# Server Upgrading

🦄 Chevereto V4 users

Check the updated documentation at 🚀 Upgrading (opens new window).

This section outlines the upgrade process required to upgrade to V3 from old releases (V2 and older).


These versions are old, if you encounter any issue upgrading from these please report (opens new window) it.

# Update from V2.1 - V2.6

When updating from these old versions try to always perform a database backup of your system.

  • Download the latest release (opens new window)
  • Save the DB connection info from includes/config.php
  • Save the __CHV_CRYPT_SALT__ that you have in includes/definitions.php
  • Upload all the files except for the images folder
  • Go to your website, the system will ask you for the DB connection info
  • Complete the process with the required information
  • The system MUST ask you for your __CHV_CRYPT_SALT__. If not, don't continue the process and ask for support
  • Remove the /admin folder, you won't need it anymore. Since 3.0.0 the admin folder is /dashboard.

# Update from 2.0.X and older

  • Update to 2.1 (or newer) following the instructions in the download package
  • Proceed with the Update from 2.1 - 2.6 instructions