# Routes

🦄 Chevereto V4 users

Check the updated documentation at 🛤 Routes (opens new window).

Routes refers to virtual paths like /dashboard which doesn't exists in the system as a real folder and Chevereto map that request to PHP. By default Chevereto comes with a lot of routes and all of them are in the /app/routes folder.

Custom routes are useful if you want to add things like your own API or you want to change how the default /image route works. With this system you don't need plugins at all and you can highly customize anything by adding routes or overriding the existing ones.

# Adding or overwriting routes

You can totally overwrite the default routes or add your own new routes safely. To do this simply do your work in the app/routes/overrides folder. You will need to look around the default routes to get used to it.

Feel free to do anything you want in the app/routes/overrides folder, your changes won't mess the default routes at all and you will keep your changes when you update the script.

Routes are a feature of G\ Library so you should check the G\ Library documentation (opens new window) for extended information about system routes.